[Distutils] Meeting info re: sdists

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Wed Oct 14 02:46:11 CEST 2015

On 14 October 2015 at 13:25, Marcus Smith <qwcode at gmail.com> wrote:
> thanks for the summary!
>>   * Things that have reason to change (deps) are more reasonable to be
>> dynamic (even with PEP-426 markers there are exceptions)
> as we know, for *many* cases, run-time deps aren't dynamic.
> is there a consensus for those cases?  exist in the sdist metadata? or no?

The plan we hashed out (this would be the new PEP on static metadata in sdists)
 - pip etc to lint and error if they encounter a malformed dist-info in an sdist
 - then start putting dist-info, not egg-info into sdists
 - for any field if the field is entirely absent, we'll get it by
running the dist-info build-tool command I described in the other

{'build_requires': []} -> no build requirements
{} -> get build requirements by running the build system

> or maybe with the "auto-building" Donald mentioned,  we'd rely solely on
> wheel "built" metadata as the vehicle for dependency resolution

I don't believe thats feasible in a performant fashion.

> also, did Nathaniel's idea of uploading c libraries into PyPI as python
> wrapper projects get discussed?

Nope :)


Robert Collins <rbtcollins at hp.com>
Distinguished Technologist
HP Converged Cloud

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