[Distutils] Help regarding Python Theano on IDLE 3.5<Immediate>

Nathaniel Smith njs at pobox.com
Tue Oct 6 16:20:41 CEST 2015

On Oct 6, 2015 5:55 AM, "vivek manchikanti" <vivekmanchikanti at gmail.com>
> Hi
> I'm a totally new to Python and I wanted to learn it. I have installed
Python IDLE 3.5 successfully.
> Now I want to use Theano library in that IDE and I'm confused how to use
> Just have some questions like
> Do I need to install additional packages to use Theano on 3.5 ?
> Please kindly help.

Hi Vivek,

This mailing list is for people talking about how to make it easier to
build and install python packages; I doubt there's anyone here who knows
much about theano. You'll probably have better luck finding someone who can
help with your questions if you ask on stackoverflow or the theano-users

Good luck!

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