[Distutils] Platform tags for OS X binary wheels

Robert McGibbon rmcgibbo at gmail.com
Fri Nov 6 19:08:46 EST 2015


> Trust me on that :-)

That's not really the point -- I use both conda and pip, maintain
https://github.com/omnia-md/conda-recipes, and have made multiple upstream
contributions to conda-build.

The point of this thread, from my perspective, was to confirm that there's
a small bug in pip in the way it determines the supported pep425 tags. I
think I've confirmed that, and I'll file a PR shortly.


On Fri, Nov 6, 2015 at 4:04 PM, Chris Barker - NOAA Federal <
chris.barker at noaa.gov> wrote:

> On Nov 6, 2015, at 3:57 PM, Robert McGibbon <rmcgibbo at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm using the Python from the Miniconda installer with py35 released last
> week.
> Then you should not expect it to be able to find compatible binary wheels
> on PyPi.
> Pretty much the entire point of conda is to support Numpy and friends.
> It's actually really good that it DIDN'T go and install a binary wheel.
> You want:
> conda install numpy
> Trust me on that :-)
> There are some cases where pip installing a source package into a conda
> Python is fine -- but mostly only pure-Python packages.
> -CHB
> What does the python.org installer build for 10.6+ return for
> `distutils.util.get_platform()`?
> -Robert
> On Fri, Nov 6, 2015 at 2:50 PM, Ned Deily <nad at acm.org> wrote:
>> In article
>> <CAN4+E8GZ4JrqFcbkwaK4rkfkx-T15b_ghmATh6RAeKhqKhxzMw at mail.gmail.com>,
>>  Robert McGibbon <rmcgibbo at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > I just tried to run `pip install numpy` on my OS X 10.10.3 box, and it
>> > proceeds to download and compile the tarball from PyPI from source (very
>> > slow). I see, however, that pre-compiled OS X wheel files are available
>> on
>> > PyPI for OS X 10.6 and later.
>> >
>> > Checking the code, it looks like pip is picking up the platform tag
>> through
>> > `distutils.util.get_platform()`, which returns 'macosx-10.5-x86_64' on
>> this
>> > machine. At root, I think this comes from the
>> > entry in the Makefile at `python3.5/config-3.5m/Makefile`. I know that
>> this
>> > value is used by distutils compiling python extension modules --
>> presumably
>> > so that they can be distributed to any target machine with OS X >=10.5
>> --
>> > so that's good. But is this the right thing for pip to be using when
>> > checking whether a binary wheel is compatible? I see it mentioned
>> > <https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0425/#id13> in PEP 425, so perhaps
>> > this was already hashed out on the list.
>> Are you using an OS X Python installed from a python.org installer?  If
>> so, be aware that there are two different OS X installers on Python.org
>> <http://python.org>
>> for each current release.  One is intended for 10.5 systems, although it
>> will work on later OS X systems.  The other is for 10.6 and later
>> systems.  Unless you have a need to run on 10.5 or build something that
>> works on 10.5, download and use the 10.6+ installers instead.  Then the
>> existing whls for products like Numpy should work just fine.
>> --
>>  Ned Deily,
>>  nad at acm.org
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