[Distutils] Can't install google-api-python-client using pip

Skip Montanaro skip.montanaro at gmail.com
Sun May 3 23:21:37 CEST 2015

I want to install google-api-python-client using pip. I can see it when I
search from the command line:

% pip-2.7 search google | egrep google-api
google-api-python-client  - Google API Client Library for Python
google-apitools           - client libraries for humans
google-api-python-client-py3 - Google API Client Library for Python (python
3x port)
google-apis-client-generator - Google Apis Client Generator

I can see it in PyPI:

When I try to install it, pip denies any knowledge of the package:

% pip-2.7 install --user google-api-python-client
Downloading/unpacking google-api-python-client
  Cannot fetch index base URL http://pypi.python.org/simple/
  Could not find any downloads that satisfy the requirement
No distributions at all found for google-api-python-client
Storing complete log in /Users/skip/.pip/pip.log

I can visit http://pypi.python.org/simple/ and see that
google-api-python-client is one of the links. Looking at pip.log I see that
it's somehow translating "http" into "https":

  Could not fetch URL
http://pypi.python.org/simple/google-api-python-client/: <urlopen error
unknown url type: https>

Am I missing something?


Skip Montanaro
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