[Distutils] Versioned trove classifiers for Django

Daniel Greenfeld pydanny at gmail.com
Mon Mar 30 06:57:33 CEST 2015

I complete support James. This trove classifier is something that
could be pretty easily plugged right into Django Packages and the rest
of the Django ecosystem.

--Daniel Greenfeld

On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 9:49 PM, James Bennett <ubernostrum at gmail.com> wrote:
> Following up on some IRC discussion with other folks:
> There is precedent (Plone) for PyPI trove classifiers corresponding to
> particular versions of a framework. So I'd like to get feedback on the idea
> of expanding that, particularly in the case of Django.
> The rationale here is that the ecosystem of Django-related packages is quite
> large, but -- as I know all too well from a project I'm working on literally
> at this moment -- it can be difficult to ensure that all of one's
> dependencies are compatible with the version of Django one happens to be
> using.
> Adding trove classifier support at the level of individual versions of
> Django would, I think, greatly simplify this: tools could easily analyze
> which packages are compatible with an end user's chosen version, there'd be
> far less manual guesswork, etc., and the rate of creation of new classifiers
> would be relatively low (we tend to have one X.Y release/year or
> thereabouts, and that's the level of granularity needed).
> Assuming there's consensus around the idea of doing this, what would be the
> correct procedure for getting such classifiers set up and maintained?
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'Knowledge is Power'
Daniel Greenfeld
Principal at Cartwheel Web; co-author of Two Scoops of Django
twoscoopspress.org | pydanny.com

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