[Distutils] Introducing Wheelhouse

Wes Turner wes.turner at gmail.com
Fri Jun 26 08:14:57 CEST 2015

Thanks! .wheelhouse.ini! /requirements/wheelhouse/<cachedbuiltwheels>

On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 10:59 PM, Randy Syring <randy at thesyrings.us> wrote:

>  Wheelhouse is a utility to help maintain a wheelhouse.
> The code for this project is rather basic, but it's the concept that
> counts. Putting the
> concept of a wheelhouse into practice has made managing dependencies for
> our projects across dev,
> testing and production environments much, much easier.
> Checkout Keg <https://github.com/level12/keg> to see a project which is
> using a wheelhouse in conjunction with tox to manage dependencies.
> What is a Wheelhouse?
> A wheelhouse is a local cache of python packages in wheel format that gets
> committed with your code to your VCS. When installing packages during
> continuous integration and production, the wheels in the wheelhouse are
> used instead of depending on PyPI or some other network location.
> Advantages:
>    - Wheels are stored in your DVCS bringing further clarity to exactly
>    what packages are needed/expected and how they have changed over time.
>    - CI builds are faster and more consistent. Due to the increased speed
>    of installing wheels from a local cache instead of pulling them from a
>    network location, we can have tox start with a new virtualenv before every
>    run, thereby insuring all dependencies have been specified and installed
>    into the wheelhouse correctly.
>    - Production deployments are similarly fast and consistent. Since the
>    CI and production servers both pull from the same wheelhouse we have higher
>    certainty that our production code is running against the exact same
>    packages that have been tested.
>    - Since wheels are built on development or build machines, the need
>    for development system packages to be installed on production servers is
>    removed.
>    - Targeting forks, development versions, unpublished, and/or private
>    software for production is much easier than setting up & maintaining a
>    private PyPI server like devpi <http://doc.devpi.net/latest/>.
>    - Splits the package management process into two distinct steps:
>       1. Build packages (from various locations, with specified version)
>       and put wheels in the wheelhouse.
>       2. Install the latest version of a package from the wheelhouse.
> Links:
> https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Wheelhouse
> https://github.com/level12/wheelhouse
> *Randy Syring*
> Husband | Father | Redeemed Sinner
> *"For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his
> soul?" (Mark 8:36 ESV)*
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