[Distutils] [TIP] Virtualenv bug breaking tox runs

Randy Syring randy at thesyrings.us
Thu Jul 16 17:20:32 CEST 2015

On 07/15/2015 02:08 AM, Marius Gedminas wrote:
> So, I realize I could use `python3 -m virtualenv` if I was running the
> command myself.  But, tox is making the call to virtualenv.
> This was working the last time I tested it but has now broken.  I'm guessing
> that is because I upgraded tox or virtualenv?
> It broke now because you 'sudo pip install'ed something that depends on
> something that ships /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/reprlib.py
> (which probably comes from pies2overrides)
>> Any pointers welcome as to the best way to resolve this issue now?
> I would recommend sudo pip uninstall pies2overrides (and whatever
> depended on it).  A good way to avoid pain is to never ever 'sudo pip
> install' stuff.
> A different workaround would be to create a clean virtualenv, install
> tox into it, then run tox from that virtualenv.

Thanks so much, that was exactly the problem.  I've always had my system 
setup to have a few default packages installed globally and then use 
virtualenvs for everything else.  Not sure where pie2overrides came 
from, but I can assure you it's getting booted ASAP!

*Randy Syring*
Husband | Father | Redeemed Sinner

/"For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world
and forfeit his soul?" (Mark 8:36 ESV)/
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