[Distutils] 400 Client Error: Binary wheel for an unsupported platform

Donald Stufft donald at stufft.io
Fri Jul 10 02:12:40 CEST 2015

On July 9, 2015 at 7:41:25 PM, Ionel Cristian Mărieș (contact at ionelmc.ro) wrote:
> Would be quite useful to see some references and details about the vague
> issues being mentioned in the thread. It would help a lot the less versed
> engineers (like me) understand the issues at hand (and hopefully reduce the
> amount of disagreement overall).
> For example, for me it's not clear what's wrong with Antoine's proposal
> (compile on Centos 5) - it seemed quite sensible approach to produce a
> reasonably compatible binary.
> Some issues with kernel ABI have been mentioned - can anyone point me to
> some resources describing the possible problems? Is it correct to assume
> that it's about using vendor-specific kernel api?

It is about ABI. I'm not an expert but essentially anything that a Wheel
doesn't statically link needs to be ABI compatible. For a plain C extension
that doesn't link to anything else you have primarily:

* The libc that it was linked against.
* The Python that it was linked against.

Currently on Python 3 we have a "stable" ABI (though I don't think it covers
the entire thing) which is represented in the Wheel filename, however we don't
have anything to cover the libc version. The most common version of libc in use
is glibc and that is (as far as I know) basically always ABI compatible when
going from an older version to a new version. However there is no guarentee
that a glibc from Linux X will be ABI compatible with a glibC from Linux Z.
There isn't even a guarentee that it will be glibc at all (for instance, Alpine
linux uses MUSL).

On top of that, you have the fact that a lot of C extensions are not self
contained C extensions but instead are bindings for some other library. The
problem starts becoming a lot bigger here, for example psycopg2 is a pretty
popular library that links to libpsql. This may or may not be ABI compatible
across CentOS to Ubuntu (for instance) and trying to install one that isn't
will cause breakages.

Circling back to Antoine's suggestion, the problem isn't that it wouldn't
actually work, because it would sometimes, the problem is that you need to be
careful about using it because it only works in some situations. In order for
that to work you need to make sure that the project you're compiling is either
a completely self contained C-extension or that you statically link everything
that you're linking against. You also need to make sure that the person
compiling the Wheel does so on a sufficiently ancient glibc to cover everyone
that you care about covering. However this will still break in "weird" ways
on even older versions of glibc, on Linux distributions which do not use glibc,
or just because two Linux distributions decided to make their glibc slightly

This is the reason that it's currently blocked, because the edge cases are
sufficiently sharp and you have to be very careful to build your Wheels in just
the right way that I felt it was better to punt on it until someone puts in the
effort to make it do something more resembling the right thing by default.

> Also, what does Conda do to solve the binary compatibility issues and
> distutils or pip could never ever do (or implement)?

They don't do anything (to my knowledge, and hopefully Antoine or someone can
correct me if I'm wrong) to solve the libc compatiblity problem besides
building on a sufficiently old version of CentOS that they feel comfortable
calling that their minimum level of support. I assume that if I tried to run
Conda on something like Alpine the default repositories would break since it
doesn't use glibc.

They however _do_ own the ABI of everything else, so everything from the Python
you're using to the libpsql to the openssl comes from their repositories. This
means that they don't have to worry about the ABI differences of OpenSSL in
CentOS/RHEL 5 and Ubuntu 14.04 since they'll never use them, they'll just use
the OpenSSL they personally have packaged. This isn't something we can adopt
because we're not trying to be another platform (in the vein of Conda) we're
trying to provide a common tooling that can be used across a wide range of
platforms to install Python projects.

This will absolutely involve trying to figure out what the right line to walk
is for us between defining a defacto platform and simply being something you
"plug" into another platform. I think the best way to go about this is to
figure out the best way to publish Wheels for a specific platform and focus on
identifying the platforms and providing ways for people to override that. A
generic "Linux" platform is a reasonable one, but I don't think it's a
reasonable default since to actually support it requires taking the special
precautions from above.

Donald Stufft  
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