[Distutils] Phantom release/file and now can't upload

James Bennett ubernostrum at gmail.com
Wed Jul 8 01:28:04 CEST 2015

The 1.1 release exists, but PyPI thinks -- at least when it shows me the
package-owner interface -- that there are no files for that release.

Here's a screenshot of what I see:


Checked the 1.0 release just in case it went there, and that only shows the
1.0 package, not the 1.1 package.

On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 4:23 PM, Richard Jones <richard at python.org> wrote:

> This is very strange - perhaps there's a caching issue or something, but
> there's a file present on that release when I look now :/
> On 7 July 2015 at 15:09, James Bennett <ubernostrum at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Earlier tonight I was trying to upload a new version (1.1) of
>> https://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-contact-form
>> Initially tried 'setup.py sdist' followed by 'twine upload -s' of the
>> resulting tarball. Twine reported success, but no new release or file
>> appeared on PyPI. Tried 'setup.py sdist upload'. That reported success, but
>> no new release or file appeared on PyPI.
>> I tried quite a lot of things after that and kept getting reports of
>> success... and no new release or file on PyPI. I even went and copy/pasted
>> a sample from the distutils documentation using 'setup.py sdist upload -r'
>> to force PyPI just in case it was somehow using the wrong index.
>> Eventually some combination of things must have at least partly worked,
>> because information about a 1.1 release of django-contact-form appeared on
>> PyPI... except the file itself still did not appear, and any attempt to
>> upload returned:
>> HTTPError: 400 Client Error: This filename has previously been used, you
>> should use a different version.
>> I am absolutely stumped as to what's going on. I've tried deleting and
>> re-creating the 1.1 release to re-upload, but I'm stuck at being able to
>> create only an empty release with no file, since PyPI will not allow the
>> file to be uploaded.
>> While I try to track down what happened, who has the power to override
>> PyPI's disallowed filename restriction for this? As far as I can tell, the
>> file was *never* listed on PyPI and so could not have been downloaded by
>> anyone, and after struggling with this for a few hours I'm not at all in
>> the mood to bump versions just to get PyPI to cooperate.
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