[Distutils] Parsing requirements, pip has no API ...

Marcus Smith qwcode at gmail.com
Fri Feb 13 23:10:07 CET 2015

In 90% of the cases I see, requirements.txt are used to define the

> requirements for the project to function which typically are the exact
> same requirements necessary when installing the project. People also
> will then write a test-requirements.txt (or dev-requirements.txt) file
> to have a complete development environment. In this case, Thomas seems
> to be using requirements.txt to define the requirements necessary when
> installing the software they're developing.
> If requirements.txt were used solely for a development environment,
> they would look more like
> | .
> | dev-requirement-1>=0.1
> | # etc.
> Instead they seem to be used more to define the same requirements
> someone would define in install_requires. This is the anti-pattern I'm
> talking about.

understood, I hear you, but for a breakdown of some valid use cases, the
pip docs covers 4 good use cases

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