[Distutils] Idea: allow PyPI projects to link to DockerHub container images

Donald Stufft donald at stufft.io
Sun Feb 1 02:01:01 CET 2015

> On Jan 31, 2015, at 7:43 PM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> wrote:
> One of the recurring problems folks mention here is how to deal with
> the complexities of handling Linux ABI compatibility issues.
> That's a genuinely hard problem, and not one that *anyone* has solved
> well - it's one of the reasons being an independent software vendor
> for Linux in general (rather than just certifying with the major
> commercial distros) is a pain. When folks do it, they tend to take the
> "bundle everything you need and drop it somewhere in /opt" approach
> which (quite rightly) makes professional system administrators very
> unhappy.
> On the distro side, this is one of the big factors driving the
> popularity of the "bundle all the things" container image model: it
> does the bundling in such a way that it's amenable to programmatic
> introspection, and it still reduces the runtime ABI compatibility
> question to just the kernel ABI. This tends to work really when in the
> case of dynamic languages like Python, as the language runtime is
> likely to deal with most kernel compatibility issues for you. (ABI
> incompatibilities can still bite you if you're using system libraries
> inside the container and your base image doesn't match your runtime
> kernel, but the bug surface is still much smaller than when you use
> the end user's system libraries directly)
> It seems to me that, at least for web services published via PyPI
> (like Kallithea), "use our recommended container", is likely to be the
> easiest way to get folks on Linux up and running quickly with the
> service. Folks may still want to take the image apart later and roll
> their own (e.g. to switch to running on a different web server or a
> different base image), but they wouldn't have to do their own
> integration work just to get started.
> The other advantage of nudging folks in the direction of Linux
> containers to address their ABI compatibility woes is that this is
> tech that already (mostly) works, and has a broader management
> ecosystem growing around it (including both the major open source
> platform-as-a-service offerings in OpenShift and Cloud Foundry).
> Inventing our own way of abstracting away the Linux ABI compatibility
> problem would be an awful lot of work, and likely leave us with an end
> result that isn't pre-integrated with anything else.
> Regards,
> Nick.
> P.S. Full disclosure: for Fedora's developer experience work for web
> service developers, we're heading heavily in the direction of
> containers+Vagrant for local dev workstations, to allow common dev
> workflows across Linux, Mac OS X and Windows, and then pushing the
> containers through Linux based CI and independent QE workflows, into
> container based production Linux environments, including the Google &
> Red Hat backed Kubernetes container orchestration framework and
> OpenStack's Project Solum. In my day job, this is also the direction
> we're taking Red Hat's internal infrastructure since it systematically
> solves a variety of problems for us (like how to most effectively
> allow folks to develop on Fedora while deploying on RHEL).

Do you expect some automated tool to take advantage of this link?

In other words, what’s the benefit over just having a link to the docker
container in the long_description or in the metadata 2.0 project urls?

Donald Stufft
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