[Distutils] [Python-Dev] Python 3.x Adoption for PyPI and PyPI Download Numbers

Gregory P. Smith greg at krypto.org
Wed Apr 22 05:35:21 CEST 2015

On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 10:55 AM Donald Stufft <donald at stufft.io> wrote:

> Just thought I'd share this since it shows how what people are using to
> download things from PyPI have changed over the past year. Of particular
> interest to most people will be the final graphs showing what percentage of
> downloads from PyPI are for Python 3.x or 2.x.
> As always it's good to keep in mind, "Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics".
> I've
> tried not to bias the results too much, but some bias is unavoidable. Of
> particular note is that a lot of these numbers come from pip, and as of
> version
> 6.0 of pip, pip will cache downloads by default. This would mean that older
> versions of pip are more likely to "inflate" the downloads than newer
> versions
> since they don't cache by default. In addition if a project has a file
> which
> is used for both 2.x and 3.x and they do a ``pip install`` on the 2.x
> version
> first then it will show up as counted under 2.x but not 3.x due to caching
> (and
> of course the inverse is true, if they install on 3.x first it won't show
> up
> on 2.x).
> Here's the link: https://caremad.io/2015/04/a-year-of-pypi-downloads/
> Anyways, I'll have access to the data set for another day or two before I
> shut down the (expensive) server that I have to use to crunch the numbers
> so if
> there's anything anyone else wants to see before I shut it down, speak up
> soon.


I like your focus on particular packages of note such as django and

How do CDNs influence these "lies"?  I thought the download counts on PyPI
were effectively meaningless due to CDN mirrors fetching and hosting things?

Do we have user-agent logs from all PyPI package CDN mirrors or just from
the master?

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