[Distutils] Create formal process for claiming 'abandoned' packages

Ian Cordasco graffatcolmingov at gmail.com
Sat Sep 20 17:26:14 CEST 2014

On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 12:30 AM, John Wong <gokoproject at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all.
> TL;DR version: I think
> * an option to enroll in automatic ownership transfer
> * an option to promote Request for Adoption
> * don't transfer unless there are no releases on the index
> will be reasonable to me.
> On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 9:26 PM, Richard Jones <richard at python.org> wrote:
>> In light of this specific case, I have an additional change that I think
>> I'll implement to attempt to prevent it again: In the instances where the
>> current owner is unresponsive to my attempts to contact them, *and* the
>> project has releases in the index, I will not transfer ownership. In the
>> cases where no releases have been made I will continue to transfer
>> ownership.
> I believe this is the best solution, and frankly, people in the OSS world
> has been forking all these years
> should someone disagree with the upstream or just believe they are better
> off with the fork. I am not
> a lawyer, but one has to look at any legal issue with ownership transfer. I
> am not trying to scare
> anyone, but the way I see ownership transfer (or even modifying the index on
> behalf of me) is the same
> as asking Twitter or Github to grant me a username simply because the
> account has zero activity.
> Between transferring ownership automatically after N trials and the above, I
> choose the above.
> Note not everyone is on Github, twitter. Email, er, email send/receive can
> go wrong.
> As a somewhat extreme but not entirely rare example, Satoshi Nakamoto and
> Bitcoin would
> be an interesting argument. If Bitcoin was published as a package on PyPI,
> should someone
> just go and ask for transfer? We know this person shared his codes and the
> person disappeared.
> Is Bitcoin mission-critical? People downloaded the code, fork it and started
> building a community
> on their own. What I am illustrating here is that not everyone can be in
> touch. There are people
> who choose to remain anonymous, or away from popular social network.
> Toshio Kuratomi <a.badger at gmail.com> wrote:
>> But there are
>> also security concerns with letting a package bitrot on pypi.
> Again, I think that people should simply fork. The best we can do is simply
> prevent
> the packages from being downloaded again. Basically, shield all the packages
> from public. We preserve what people did and had. We can post a notice
> so the public knows what is going on.
> Surely it sucks to have to use a fork when Django or Requests are forked and
> now everyone has to call it something different and rewrite their code.
> But that's the beginning of a new chapter. The community has to be reformed.
> It sucks but I think it is better in the long run. You don't have to argue
> with the
> original owner anymore in theory.
> Last, I think it is reasonable to add Request for Adoption to PyPI.
> Owners who feel obligated to step down can promote the intent over PyPI
> John
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I, for one, am happy that this conversation is happening because I
wasn't aware of other communities that did this (but was aware that it
happened on PyPI). That said, I would really appreciate people's
suggestions be contained to improving the process, not towards
modifying PyPI. At this point, as I understand it, PyPI is incredibly
hard to modify safely for a number of reasons that others are likely
better to speak to. Warehouse has a clear definition, design,  and
goals and I don't know if adding these on after-the-fact in a
semi-haphazard way will improve anything. The more useful discussion
right now will be to talk about process and how we can improve it and
help Richard with it.


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