[Distutils] how can projects with no files have downloads?

Donald Stufft donald at stufft.io
Sun Sep 14 22:03:51 CEST 2014

> On Sep 14, 2014, at 1:58 PM, holger krekel <holger at merlinux.eu> wrote:
> Hi Donald, all,
> I sometimes have doubts that the download numbers as shown by
> pypi.python.org are correct.  Here is one case where i am pretty sure
> something is wrong:
> https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pytes
> That's a project a friend uploaded after he heart me saying at my devpi
> talk at EP2014 that i sometimes type "pip install pytes" :) It never had
> files ASFAIK but has "18 downloads". How comes?
> holger
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I dunno! 

I don’t see any reason why that would be the case, it’s possible that there
is a bug in the rsyslog-cdn.py script. I’m not sure. I’m planning on rewriting
that soon anyways to be tons better.

Donald Stufft
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