[Distutils] Download error on (…) hostname <proxy> doesn't match either of '*.c.ssl.fastly.net', (…) when running buildout behind proxy

Piotr Dobrogost p at 2014.dobrogost.net
Mon Sep 8 17:31:05 CEST 2014

On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 3:46 PM, Jim Fulton <jim at zope.com> wrote:
> This is why I *always* use a clean python built from source.
> I recommend people do the same, or use a virtualenv.

Well, I read http://www.buildout.org/en/latest/docs/tutorial.html but
nowhere there was virtualenv mentioned. I guess this might be due to
the fact virtualenv didn't even exist in 2007 or was not popular? :) I
somehow had an impression that one of the main features of buildout
has always been isolation from system Python thus I did not even
thought about running it inside virtualenv. However, looking now for
"virtualenv" at https://pypi.python.org/pypi/zc.buildout/2.2.1 brought
the following bullet from version 2.0.0:

"Buildout no-longer tries to provide full or partial isolation from
system Python installations. If you want isolation, use buildout with
virtualenv, or use a clean build of Python to begin with."

which is quite clear.

Btw, what's the reason documentation at
http://www.buildout.org/en/latest/docs/index.html is for ancient
version 1.2.1?


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