[Distutils] buildout 2.2.3: not completely right?

Reinout van Rees reinout at vanrees.org
Fri Oct 31 12:38:14 CET 2014


Since buildout 2.2.3 is out, I've been getting mails out of quite some 
jenkins jobs.

Those jobs always run "python bootstrap.py" followed by "bin/buildout".
We always pin buildout, so most of them are at version 2.2.1

$ python bootstrap.py
Setting socket time out to 1 seconds.
Generated script 
$ bin/buildout
Setting socket time out to 1 seconds.
   Loading extensions.
Error: There is a version conflict.
We already have: zc.buildout 2.2.3

"python bootstrap.py" generates a bin/buildout with a 2.2.3 version in 
it. And running bin/buildout doesn't want to downgrade to the specified 
version 2.2.1.

The bootstrap.py I'm using is

I've seen some other problems with versions when there's a globally 
installed version already available at a higher version. A colleague 
installed ansible globally on the jenkins machine (...) so there's a new 
jinja2 in usr/local/lib/pythonsomething. The jinja2 in buildout is 
pinned to a lower version, but buildout refuses to downgrade it and 
fails with an "I already have that new version".

So... I haven't totally tracked it down yet, but I'm throwing it out on 
the list here in case others have seen it too.
I'll continue debugging after lunch :-)


Reinout van Rees                          http://reinout.vanrees.org/
reinout at vanrees.org                   http://www.nelen-schuurmans.nl/
"Learning history by destroying artifacts is a time-honored atrocity"

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