[Distutils] stdeb and python dependencies

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Thu Oct 23 19:50:57 CEST 2014

On Oct 22, 2014, at 05:00 PM, Kelly Goedert wrote:

>I am new to python. I created a simple python cli application that depends
>on jsonpickle and plumbum.
>Using this command python setup.py --command-packages=stdeb.command
>bdist_deb I was able to create a .deb package. But when I try to install
>the package with dpkg -i package_name I get
> package_name depends on python-plumbum; however:
>  Package python-plumbum is not installed.
> package_name depends on python-jsonpickle; however:
> Package python-jsonpickle
>In my setup.py I have this:
>Is it possible to make the debian package install this python dependencies?
>Or is this the wrong approach? If so, what would be the recommend way?

`dpkg -i` doesn't install dependencies.  After you get this, run
`sudo apt-get install -f` to get your missing dependencies.

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