[Distutils] some questions about PEP470

Stefan Krah stefankrah at freenet.de
Sun Oct 12 16:29:08 CEST 2014

> (for example right now bytereef.org is down, so
> we’d not discover any files there).

Indeed.  It was up reliably since 2005, down for maintenance on
September 23rd (before ShellShock ...).  Then I discovered that
someone had put up m3-cdecimal on PyPI (presumably abusing PyPI
as their private repo --- there are several m3-* packages now).

This triggered some reflection on whether I would make a significant
effort in the future to keep things running smoothly for an open source
community where authors are largely viewed as expendable.

Subsequently the downtime (again, the first one since 2005) was picked
up for propagandistic purposes on Twitter and Reddit.

Last year I would have felt an obligation to minimize the downtime
to an hour at most.  I no longer feel any such obligations and I'll
do it when I have time.

Stefan Krah

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