[Distutils] Call for information - What assumptions can I make about Unix users' access to Windows?

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Sun Nov 9 13:21:43 CET 2014

On 09/11/2014 12:13, Vinay Sajip wrote:
>> Thanks, that's very useful feedback. I agree, the need for RDP is
>> very
>> Windows-specific - I don't know how common RDP tools are for Unix,
>> but
> Not uncommon, AFAIK. For example, I use rdesktop on Lubuntu to access
> Windows machines via RDP, and it seems fairly stable. There are
> alternative tools available (such as remmina).

I think the OP was speaking not so much about having the technical 
wherewithal to use RDP but rather about the experience of RDP vs SSH. 
The difficulty is that Windows doesn't really "think" in ssh. I believe 
there are (third-party) mechanisms to provide ssh-like access, but I 
don't know how successful they really are.


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