[Distutils] PyPI Rate Limiting

Noah Kantrowitz noah at coderanger.net
Sun Feb 9 07:28:51 CET 2014

On Feb 8, 2014, at 6:25 PM, Robert Collins <robertc at robertcollins.net> wrote:

> On 9 February 2014 11:15, Ernest W. Durbin III <ewdurbin at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Since the launch of the new infrastructure for PyPI two weeks ago, I've been monitoring overall performance and reliability of PyPI for browsers, uploads, installers, and mirrors.
>> The initial rates will be limited to 5 req/s per IP with bursts of 10 requests allowed. Client requests up to the burst limit will be delayed to maintain a 5 req/s maximum. Any requests past the 10 request burst will receive an HTTP 429 response code per RFC 6585.
> 5/s sounds really low - if the RPC's take less than 200ms to answer
> (and I sure hope they do), a single threaded mirroring client (with
> low latency to PyPI's servers // pipelined requests) can easily it.
> Most folk I know writing API servers aim for response times in the
> single to low 10's of ms digits... What is the 95% percentile for PyPI
> to answer these problematic APIs ?

If you are making lots of sequential requests, you should be putting a sleep in there. "as fast as possible" isn't a design goal, it is good service for all clients.


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