[Distutils] PEP 453 Round 2 - Explicit bootstrapping of pip in Python installations

Oscar Benjamin oscar.j.benjamin at gmail.com
Mon Sep 16 11:54:18 CEST 2013

On 15 September 2013 16:33, Donald Stufft <donald at stufft.io> wrote:
> So there've been a number of updates to PEP453, so i'm posting it here again for more discussion:

> Explicit Bootstrapping
> ======================
> An additional module called ``getpip`` will be added to the standard library
> whose purpose is to install pip and any of its dependencies into the
> appropriate location (most commonly site-packages). It will expose a single
> callable named ``bootstrap()`` as well as offer direct execution via
> ``python -m getpip``. Options for installing it such as index server,
> installation location (``--user``, ``--root``, etc) will also be available
> to enable different installation schemes.
> It is believed that users will want the most recent versions available to be
> installed so that they can take advantage of the new advances in packaging.
> Since any particular version of Python has a much longer staying power than
> a version of pip in order to satisfy a user's desire to have the most recent
> version the bootstrap will contact PyPI, find the latest version, download it,
> and then install it. This process is security sensitive, difficult to get
> right, and evolves along with the rest of packaging.
> Instead of attempting to maintain a "mini pip" for the sole purpose of
> installing pip the ``getpip`` module will, as an implementation detail,
> include a private copy of pip and its dependencies which will be used to
> discover and install pip from PyPI. It is important to stress that this
> private copy of pip is *only* an implementation detail and it should *not*
> be relied on or assumed to exist.
> Not all users will have network access to PyPI whenever they run the
> bootstrap. In order to ensure that these users will still be able to
> bootstrap pip the bootstrap will fallback to simply installing the included
> copy of pip. The pip ``--no-download`` command line option will be supported
> to force installation of the bundled version, without even attempting to
> contact PyPI.
> This presents a balance between giving users the latest version of pip,
> saving them from needing to immediately upgrade pip after bootstrapping it,
> and allowing the bootstrap to work offline in situations where users might
> already have packages downloaded that they wish to install.

I still don't understand why this is preferable to just shipping a
recent stable pip/setuptools and providing instructions to update
post-install. That would surely be a lot simpler not just to implement
but for others to understand.

If I'm happy to use the bundled version of pip then why do I need to
do anything to make it usable after having already run the installer?
If I want the new version then why is 'py -m getpip' better than 'py
-m pip install -U pip'?

> Recommendations for Downstream Distributors
> ===========================================
> A common source of Python installations are through downstream distributors
> such as the various Linux Distributions [#ubuntu]_ [#debian]_ [#fedora]_, OSX
> package managers [#homebrew]_, or python specific tools [#conda]_. In order to
> provide a consistent, user friendly experience to all users of Python
> regardless of how they attained Python this PEP recommends and asks that
> downstream distributors:
> * Ensure that whenever Python is installed pip is also installed.
>   * This may take the form of separate packages with dependencies on each
>     other so that installing the Python package installs the pip package
>     and installing the pip package installs the Python package.
> * Do not remove the bundled copy of pip.

Are distros really going to be okay with this idea? Many of them have
CPython in their base install so you're basically asking that they
always ship a parallel package management system that is outside of
their control.

Personally I think that it's unfortunate that distro package managers
don't have a --user option like pip does but I've always assumed that
they had some good reason for not wanting any old user to be able to
easily install things without admin/root privileges. This would break
that arrangement since any user would be able to use 'pip install
--user' to install anything from PyPI. I imagine that lots of
deployment sites would want to disable this even if the distro has it
enabled by default.


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