[Distutils] Plans for binary wheels, and PyPi and OS-X

Christian Tismer tismer at stackless.com
Fri Nov 1 11:39:30 CET 2013

On 19.10.13 03:22, Nick Coghlan wrote:
> On 19 Oct 2013 04:59, "Chris Barker" <chris.barker at noaa.gov 
> <mailto:chris.barker at noaa.gov>> wrote:
> >
> > Someone on another list indicated that pip installing binary wheels
> > from PyPi will ONLY work for Windows.
> >
> > Is that the case? I think it's desperately needed for OS-X as well.
> >
> > Linux is so diverse that I can't imagine it being useful, but OS-X has
> > only so many versions, and the python.org <http://python.org> OS-X 
> binaries are very clear
> > in their requirements -- it would be very useful if folks could easily
> > get binary wheels for OS-X
> We do plan to support it, but the pip devs uncovered a hole in the 
> current wheel spec that means it generates the same filename on *nix 
> systems for wheels that need to have different names for the download 
> side of things to work properly - hence the current Windows-only 
> restriction.
> Once ensurepip has landed in Python 3.4 and pip 1.5 is released, we 
> should be able to get back to updating the various metadata specs, 
> with the aim of getting cross-platform wheel support in pip 1.6 :)

Ok, but then wheel should be explicit about that and not pretend to
work on OS X. I tried that a week ago on a PySide install on OS X,
which compiled very long, and crashed at the end.
If wheel does not support bdist_wheel on a platform, it should refuse
to install at all, IMHO.

cheers - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at stackless.com>
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