[Distutils] A process for removal of PyPi entries

Trishank Karthik Kuppusamy tk47 at students.poly.edu
Fri May 31 22:45:10 CEST 2013

On Fri 31 May 2013 04:34:43 PM EDT, Tres Seaver wrote:
> Why all the extras:  if somebody wants to claim a project name, but can't
> upload a release for six months, they should just lose.  I would actually
> be willing to have that cut down to a day:  trying to grab the name
> before registering / uploading a release should result in loss of the claim.

Firstly, let me say that the general idea sounds good, and should serve 
to improve PyPI security. However, it needs to be done carefully. 
Certainly Holger's idea of looking at how other programming language 
communities have done it is a good one.

A potential problem with the "no new package in six months" heuristic 
is that it would punish mature packages with little or no improvements 
left. Would one defeat this rule by simply uploading a "new" package 
every six months?

I am aware that packages have to change from time to time, if at least 
to keep up with language or other dependency changes, but the rules for 
weeding packages should be carefully thought out.

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