[Distutils] buildout and build-time dependencies

Ben Acland acland at me.com
Sat Mar 2 14:21:51 CET 2013

> On Mar 1, 2013 5:54 AM, "Reinout van Rees" <reinout at vanrees.org> wrote:
>> On 28-02-13 20:31, Ben Acland wrote:
>>> tl;dr: how to handle build time dependencies between python modules
>>> using buildout, without looking stupid or including .tar.gz files in my
>>> repo.
>> numpy and scipy are a hell to install.
> Would there be something we could do to help these important projects be
> easier to install?

I had a thought last night, after digging through zc.buildout for a while.

In buildout's easy_install.py's _call_easy_install, around line 299 in v2.0.1, you call distribute's easy_install using this:

exit_code = subprocess.call(
                env=dict(os.environ, PYTHONPATH=path))

I *think* it would work to pass in a list of other egg-producing parts, then look for those eggs at this point and add them to the path. Alternatively, a list of paths would get the job done, but you'd have to lock down the egg version before hard coding the path.

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