[Distutils] Better way of forcing distutils to use platlib location?

Yury V. Zaytsev yury at shurup.com
Mon Jun 24 17:07:49 CEST 2013


I'm working on Python bindings for a C++ software, which are basically a
thin wrapper around a (binary) extension. The extension itself is
compiled, linked and installed using autotools.

The main motivation for doing it this way stems from the fact that
previous attempts to hack distutils classes resulted in a monster script
bigger than the autotools build system for the C++ package itself.

Still, I'd like to keep using distutils to install the pure Python part.
Now that I'm not using the Extension class of distutils to build the
extension, however, it doesn't know that the Python stuff should go to
platlib along with the extension shared object.

So my question is, what is the least horrible way to force distutils to
install a pure Python package into platlib instead of purelib?

I was thinking of monkeypatching get_python_lib(), but there must
certainly be a better solution to the problem that I have overlooked!

Thanks and please kindly CC me on replies,

Sincerely yours,
Yury V. Zaytsev

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