[Distutils] Sooner or later, we're going to have to be more formal about how we name packages.

Donald Stufft donald at stufft.io
Sat Jun 1 20:01:26 CEST 2013

On Jun 1, 2013, at 11:57 AM, Jim Fulton <jim at zope.com> wrote:

> In the Python community, we've been pretty laid back
> about how we name packages.  When we were small, this made
> sense.  It doesn't make sense any more.
> We should not have to come up with a process for recognizing squatters
> on simple package names.  We should have something more systematic,
> IMO.
> Unfortunately, I think the sanest way of avoiding most package
> name issues is to base them on domains, as is done in the Java
> world.  This goes against the Python philosophy of preferring
> flat to nested, but I still think it's better than trying to police squatters,
> or to encouraging races to claim top-level names.
> For a while, many of us have been pretty careful to use namespaces
> for new packages to mitigate this issue.  For example, the zc namespace
> is a shorter version of com.zope, but at some point, it won't be fair
> for us to claim zc for ourselves.
> Jim
> -- 
> Jim Fulton
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/jimfulton
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I am opposed to this. Requiring someone to have purchased a domain adds a significant
to publishing a project. If there are no requirements that they have purchased the domain
then it's nothing more than a convention and something that anyone who wants to do
this can do.

Donald Stufft
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