[Distutils] Expectations on how pip needs to change for Python 3.4

Noah Kantrowitz noah at coderanger.net
Sun Jul 14 08:19:58 CEST 2013

On Jul 13, 2013, at 10:58 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:

> On 14 July 2013 12:46, Donald Stufft <donald at stufft.io> wrote:
>> I'm sure I've seen people say other things that have made me think "are you expecting the pip maintainers to make that change?" in the various threads, so I doubt this list is definitive.
>> The other big one is the one you noted about pip *not* offering a stable API, *but* exposing an apparently stable API to introspection. Introspection currently tells me that pip exports *at least* 32 public names (and this is without checking for public submodules that aren't implicitly imported by pip/__init__.py):
>> >>> import pip; public = set(k for k, v in pip.__dict__.items() if not k.startswith('_') and (not hasattr(v, "__name__") or hasattr(v, "__module__") or v.__name__.startswith("pip."))); print(len(public))
>> 32
>> If pip really has no stable public API, then it should properly indicate this under introspection (if it already uses relative imports correctly, then the easiest ways to achieve that are to just shove everything under a "pip._impl" subpackage or shuffle it sideways into a "_pip" package).
> Pip does not use relative imports. Is simply documenting the fact there is no public API enough? Pushing everything into a _impl or _pip directory makes me nervous because that's a lot of code churn (and I know there are people using those APIs, and while they aren't technically stable it feels like moving things around just for the sake of an _ in the name is unfriendly to those people.
> Either the existing APIs are moved to a different name, or they get declared stable and pip switches to "internally forked" APIs any time a backwards incompatible change is needed for refactoring purposes (see runpy._run_module_as_main for an example of needing to do this in the standard library). I've had to directly deal with too many issues arising from getting this wrong in the past for me to endorse bundling of a module that doesn't follow this practice with CPython - if introspection indicates an API is public, then it's public and subject to all standard library backwards compatibility guarantees, or else we take the pain *once* and explicitly mark it private by adding a leading underscore rather than leaving it in limbo (contextlib._GeneratorContextManager is a standard library example of the latter approach - it used to lack the leading underscore, suggesting it was a public API when it's really just an implementation detail of contextlib.contextmanager).

Respectfully, I disagree. Pip is not going in to the stdlib, and as such should not be subject to the same API stability policies as the stdlib. If the PyPA team wants to break the API every release, that is their call as the subject matter experts. Pip is not being included as a library at all. What should be subject to compat is the defined command line interface, because pip is a CLI tool. Independently of this discussion I've already been talking to the PyPA team about what they want to consider a stable API, but that is a discussion to be had over in pip-land, not here and not now. This new category of "bundled for your convenience but still external" applications will need new standards, and we should be clear about them for sure, but I think this is going too far and puts undue burden on the PyPA team. Remember the end goal is simply to get an installer in the hands of users easier.


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