[Distutils] "Python Packaging User Guide"

Alex Burke alexjeffburke at gmail.com
Wed Jul 3 01:18:16 CEST 2013

Hi Marcus,

I would very much like to get involved and help with this effort - in fact I was looking to package up some of my own work recently and stumbled on The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Packaging but could tell some of the advice was out of date having followed the discussions for a while now.

What I was thinking is it could be useful my documenting exactly what I'm having to do, things to remember etc and it'd help me learn things much more deeply on the way too. My only concern however would be where to go to find the right 'new world' answers. Aside from reading the PEPs etc, are there any other points of contact? Is it ok to ask such questions on this list?

Thanks, Alex J Burke.

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