[Distutils] Proposal for incorporating buildout-versions on buildout (Re: Better version pinning in buildout (buildout-versions))

Chris Withers chris at python.org
Tue Jan 15 11:45:51 CET 2013

On 15/01/2013 10:36, Jim Fulton wrote:
>> Yeah, I thought it might be this ;-)
>> I don't know how hard it'd be top implement but in an ideal world I'd prefer
>> to see develop eggs trump any other sources but still have version
>> requirements checked.
> That's the case today.

I don't believe it is, if you have:

develop = /checkouts/somepackage.2.0.0
versions = versions

somepackage = 1.4.2

...I've always found that /checkouts/somepackage.2.0.0 isn't on the 
python path but that for version 1.4.2 is.

> So why did you change this in buildout-versions? (Or did you?)

Certainly not intentionally ;-)

> The buildout-versions docs only say that unpinned versions aren't
> reported for develop-eggs. They don't actually say that version requirements
> are ignored for develop eggs.

Yep, these are both correct. The hacks that buildout-versions inherits 
from buildout.dumppickedversions means that versions for develop eggs 
never showed up. I would have loved to fix that but ran out of energy.


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