[Distutils] Proposal for incorporating buildout-versions on buildout (Re: Better version pinning in buildout (buildout-versions))

Jim Fulton jim at zope.com
Sun Jan 13 15:07:27 CET 2013

On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 4:53 PM, Maurits van Rees
<m.van.rees at zestsoftware.nl> wrote:
> Op 12-01-13 17:18, Jim Fulton schreef:


>> 4. Change: develop eggs found in the buildout's develop-eggs directory
>>     will be used even if their version conflicts with a pinned version.
> I'm not sure about this one.  Is the develop-eggs directory always cleaned
> up during a buildout run so only the eggs in the 'develop' option are listed
> there?

Yes, or at least it's supposed to.  Sometimes, the cleanup fails,
In my experience this failure is very rare.


> If an egg is explicitly in the 'develop' option, then I would be +1 on
> favouring that over a pinned version.

You don't specify eggs in develop options, you specify setup scripts.


Jim Fulton
Jerky is better than bacon! http://zo.pe/Kqm

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