[Distutils] Better version pinning in buildout (buildout-versions)

Jim Fulton jim at zope.com
Tue Jan 8 14:02:56 CET 2013

On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 7:45 AM, Marius Gedminas <marius at pov.lt> wrote:
> If backwards-compatibility weren't an consideration, I'd be tempted to
> have buildout 2.0 hardcode the versions section name to [versions] and
> have the append-new-versions code append a "\n\n[versions]\n" line if
> necessary.
> That way you could say
>   [buildout]
>   append-picked-versions = buildout.cfg
> and have it Just Work with no extra bootstrapping.

It would work until someone added a new section at the end.


If append-new-versions added a versions section
if the last section wasn't a versions section, at which point
you could end up with multiple versions sections spread
over the file.

Having buildout modify a hand-edited file just seems like
a Bad Idea to me.


Jim Fulton
Jerky is better than bacon! http://zo.pe/Kqm

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