[Distutils] zc.buildout-1.7.0b1 released

Reinout van Rees reinout at vanrees.org
Wed Jan 2 14:26:33 CET 2013

On 02-01-13 13:29, Jim Fulton wrote:
>> ImportError: cannot import name IncompatibleVersionError
> That's a bug.  I'll fix that.

Same bug exists in 2.0a: https://github.com/buildout/buildout/issues/38

(A quick BBB alias to IncompatibleConstraintError could already do the job).


Reinout van Rees                    http://reinout.vanrees.org/
reinout at vanrees.org             http://www.nelen-schuurmans.nl/
"If you're not sure what to do, make something. -- Paul Graham"

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