[Distutils] PEP 376, Uninstallation and interoperability

Vinay Sajip vinay_sajip at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Feb 16 13:40:37 CET 2013

Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan <at> gmail.com> writes:

> That suggests to me that a separate "clean" command in the PEP 376
> aware tools would be a better choice, where it looks for directories
> that are either empty or contain only __pycache__ subdirectories. Such

That seems to suggest that you can't be sure of doing a clean uninstallation, and
the user has to run both uninstall and clean - is that what you meant? It seems
a shame to have to do that.

With my suggestion about keeping a list of shared locations around, then
namespace package directories could be kept in such a list. When uninstalling,
all the subpackages added in the particular distribution being uninstalled would
be removed, but the namespace package directory itself wouldn't be, as a shared

Are there any downsides to keeping such a list of shared locations, and using
it in the way I've described?


Vinay Sajip

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