[Distutils] distlib updated with resources API

Tarek Ziadé tarek at ziade.org
Thu Sep 27 16:26:33 CEST 2012

On 9/27/12 4:22 PM, Paul Moore wrote:
> On 27 September 2012 15:01, Tarek Ziadé <tarek at ziade.org> wrote:
>> I think it's perfectly fine to have hg.python.org/distlib and do what you
>> described.
>> It can mature there - it does not bother cpython or other repositories.
> One advantage of distlib being on bitbucket is that anyone can fork it
> and create pull requests. I've been doing that recently on a number of
> projects, and it's a very efficient workflow. I don't know how the
> workflow would go if hg.python.org was used, but I'd be much less
> likely to contribute code if I had to create a patch, submit it via
> the tracker, and manually maintain it in a local copy of the code
> until it gets accepted.

But then, unless I am mistaken, you have to ask each contributor to sign 
the agreement to avoid any issue
the day it goes into Python.

I think you can mirror hg.python.org on bitbucket, see below

> Maybe it's possible to integrate hg.python.org with bitbucket - I see
> bitbucket allows you to create a repo by forking an externally hosted
> Mercurial repository, but I've never tried it, and I don't know if
> pull requests would work.

bitbucket has hg.python.org mirrors IIRC - there's one for cpython and I 
guess we could ask one for another repo ?

> Paul.

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