[Distutils] semver (again)

Vinay Sajip vinay_sajip at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Oct 21 02:01:06 CEST 2012

Daniel Holth <dholth <at> gmail.com> writes:

> Taking a look at pypi, ~1k of the latest releases do not parse as
> semver (if you extend it by making 1.0 equivalent to 1.0.0, as all
> semver versions have at least (major, minor, patch)). This is similar
> to the number of latest package versions that don't parse as PEP-386.

My latest results show that ~3600 packages fail PEP 386 versioning,
with ~5400 failing semantic versioning:

Packages processed: 24882
Packages with no versions: 217
Number of packages clean for all schemes: 19004
Number of packages clean for normalized (PEP 386): 21066
Number of packages clean for legacy (setuptools): 24666
Number of packages clean for semantic (semver): 19271

Where "clean" means that all versions of the packages are valid for a particular


Vinay Sajip

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