[Distutils] distlib updated to include "entry point" functionality

Vinay Sajip vinay_sajip at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Oct 8 21:34:38 CEST 2012

PJ Eby <pje <at> telecommunity.com> writes:

> Given that it's the same format, is there any reason to change the
> filename?  Changing the filename just means more code in Daniel's
> wheel support code,

I'm not too hung up about the filename, and only chose REGISTRY because it is
more aligned with the other filenames which appear in .dist-info directories.
Since distlib is still in its very early days, I expect the filename can
be changed without too much of an impact; the idea is to hide that sort of
implementation detail behind an API.

> and REGISTRY is an awfully vague name.  Registry
> of what?  

Registry of what ever you like - pointers to data, perhaps. Any use of the
registry, just like entry points, is a matter of convention between consenting
/ cooperating developers and their applications/libraries, or am I missing
something? "Entry points" are not always entry points, are they? IIUC, you're
allowed to just define a module or package without the attributes appearing
after the ":"

> When Bob Ippolito and I first designed that system, we thought there'd
> be a need to use temporary directories for extraction.  Apparently,
> there never was.  

Thanks for the info, and the feedback.


Vinay Sajip

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