[Distutils] zc.buildout 2.0.0a4 released

Alex Clark aclark at aclark.net
Tue Nov 20 05:35:32 CET 2012

On 2012-11-20 03:21:38 +0000, Chris McDonough said:

> On 11/19/2012 09:47 PM, Alex Clark wrote:
>> On 2012-11-20 02:00:34 +0000, Tres Seaver said:
>>> Amen.  Let's not coddle folks who blindly install without checking, to
>>> the detriment of those who pay attention and will help find and fix bugs.
>>> Those who need the coddling should be paying somebody for the service.
>> I agree on principle something like the zc.buildout 2.0 alpha should go
>> to PyPI so folks can start using, testing, giving feedback, etc. But I
>> don't agree in practice it is the right thing to do when we know it is
>> going to negatively affect a large number of users[1].
> Whom is it actually breaking?  People who do "easy_install zc.buildout"?
> For people who aren't trying to install it for the first time and whom
> already have it, isn't this what:
> [versions]
> zc.buildout = 1.5.2
> is for?

Well, it broke for me:


And cullerton:

19:43 < cullerton> Folks, there's something wonky going on with 
buildout this morning. When I run bootstrap, it creates a buildout 
script using buildout 2.0.
0a4. This fails with an error (TypeError: get_dist() takes exactly 4 
arguments (3 given)). Changing the version to buildout 1.4.4 seems to 
fix things.
19:43 <@aclark> cullerton: 2.0.0a4 is out
19:43 <@aclark> cullerton: use 1.6.3
19:43 < cullerton> is there a way to pin that when running bootstrap?
19:43 <@aclark> cullerton: (I've already asked jim if we can hide 2.0.0a4)
19:45 < cullerton> aclark: thanks

But yeah, in theory I guess that is what pinning the version in 
buildout.cfg is for. Actually, pinning versions in Buildout is much 
more straightfoward IMHO when you aren't pinning Buildout itself (at 
which point you may encounter the somewhat awkward self-re-bootstrap). 
Jim may have better thoughts on how this is supposed to work at a high 


> - C
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Alex Clark · https://www.gittip.com/aclark4life/

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