[Distutils] MANIFEST.in properly defined but something wrong in setup.py

Ben tley bentleyfour at hotmail.com
Fri Nov 9 15:29:06 CET 2012

Dear Distutils-sig members, 
I'm having some trouble packaging a python project. I have read several guides but I still seem to do something wrong. Could somebody take a look to see what I am doing wrong?  
Packaging details project:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13307408/python-packaging-data-files-are-put-properly-in-tar-gz-file-but-are-not-install
I think the content of my MANIFEST.in is correct and I am probably doing something wrong in my setup.py file. You can find a list in that link of the configurations of setup.py I have already tried but lead to no success.
Best regards

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