[Distutils] why not link modules against msvcrt.dll istead of versioned msvcr*.dll? (mingw32)

Ralf Schmitt ralf at systemexit.de
Mon Nov 12 20:32:45 CET 2012

Chris Jerdonek <chris.jerdonek at gmail.com> writes:

>> My guess would be that it's needed for some older gcc version. It looks
>> like none of the python developers care enough to fix issues with
>> mingw-w64.
> Has someone already tried filing an issue about this on the tracker
> (bugs.python.org)?  Otherwise, I wouldn't jump to this conclusion.

I didn't bother to report that particular issue since
http://bugs.python.org/issue4709 (which has been reported nearly 4 years
ago) isn't being fixed and I can't provide a testcase that fails...

Other bugs that I hit when using mingw-w64:


They could all have been fixed if some core python developer did
care. But judging from the comments in the bugtracker it looks to me
like they don't care much about compiling extensions with non
visual-studio professional compilers (support for the express version of
vs is also subpar). They even care much less about compiling python
itself with mingw.  I wish we had something like
http://strawberryperl.com/ in python land. They ship a complete
development environment including a C compiler for perl!


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