[Distutils] RFC: Binary Distribution Format for distutils2/packaging

Tarek Ziadé tarek at ziade.org
Wed Mar 14 03:56:38 CET 2012

On 3/13/12 7:50 PM, Carl Meyer wrote:
> On 03/13/2012 05:18 PM, Jim Fulton wrote:
> [snip]
>> 1) setuptools eggs
>>     - Have to support legacy meta-data format
>> 2) bdist
>>     - Need to add python version for:
>>       - compatibility info
>>       - also provides delimeter between version # and platform
>>     - Need to update setuptools/distribute to handle (or ignore) them.
>> 3) New egg-like format "pbd"
>>     - Arrange suffix so ignored by setuptools/distribute
>>       - new-style meta data
>>       - would be a zip file
>>     - Essentially, .egg format with new-style meta data and different
>>       suffix.
>> Option 3) looks the best to us, so we propose:
>> - Introduce a new binary distribution format with a ".pbd" suffix
>>    and an egg-like structure.
>>    An example file name:
>>    ZODB3-3.10.0b1-py2.6-macosx-10.4-x86_64.pbd
>> - Deprecate bdist format.
>>    D2/p will not support generation or installation of bdist
>>    distributions.
> In terms of distribution format, this sounds great; I think a clean
> break and new format that existing systems will just naturally ignore is
> the way to go.
> Your message doesn't address the on-disk installed format. I hope that
> the installed format (at least the d2/p default) will be consistent with
> PEP 376 (unzipped and "flat"), not an egg-style importable zip file
> relying on its own dedicated entry in a pth file.

yeah the installation format is PEP 376 for *all* distributions, 
including the old ones:
whatever gets installed is converted into PEP 376 if it's not a 
distutils2-based project

We're only talking here about a replacement for a binary *distribution*.

distutils' bdist is broken (the name of the file does not contain the py 
version...) while
setuptools' egg would be a decent choice, it adds more legacy burden.

I am excited we had that discussion with Jim, 3) seems the way forward 
for us.


> Carl
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