[Distutils] conventions or best practice to choose package names?

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Fri Jun 29 17:59:52 CEST 2012

On 29 June 2012 14:05, Benoît Bryon <benoit at marmelune.net> wrote:
> I agree that "foo.ext.bar" seems nice... but it uses 3
> namespace levels. It breaks the "avoid deep nesting"
> rule, which recommends not more than two levels.
> So the PEP can't recommend this pattern, or we will also have
> to reconsider the "avoid deep nesting" rule.

??? I thought the PEP was about distribution naming (i.e., things
published on PyPI. If the package "foo" is published under that name
on PyPI, I see no reason it can't (good taste permitting) use
multi-level names like foo.bar.baz internally. That's a completely
different question than whether a distribution named foo.bar.baz
should be available for download from PyPI (presumably alongside
foo.bar.bip and foo.bop.boop...)

Maybe I'm misunderstanding the conversation here. We need to be
*extremely* precise about the differences between distributions
(things published to somewhere like PyPI, which can be installed
independently, and have a version number, etc) and packages (which are
things you import in Python). I've been just as vague as everyone else
in this thread, so I'm not trying to blame anyone. But things are
definitely getting muddled.


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