[Distutils] Self Introduction and Getting Hands On

Tarek Ziadé tarek at ziade.org
Tue Jul 3 09:42:32 CEST 2012

On 7/1/12 8:50 PM, Marcus wrote:
>     FWIW I have started a "pypi2rpm" project that creates RPM out of
>     PyPI projects, we use at Mozilla to deploy our apps,
>     http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pypi2rpm
>     It's just a glue script on the top of an isolated bdist_rpm
>     command and distutils2.version (for sorting versions) but you can
>     also pass your spec file for a given
>     project and have Fedora/RHEL specific options (like adding
>     python26- prefixes etc)
> Hello Tarek:
> if you have anything that details your rpm deployment workflow at 
> mozilla, i'd love to see it.
> I work in a very active build environment, and repetitive"setup.py 
> build" time is pain point.
> currently, we have a pretty fragile virtualenv caching strategy, and 
> I've even considered patching distutils so that "setup.py build" would 
> somehow work against a cache.
> currently, my mindset is to migrate to a modular rpm install strategy 
> (managed by puppet) to prevent wasteful build time.
> Marcus
> P.S. Daniel's "wheel" format is another possible to answer to my concern
To speed up deployments, we use pip's --download-cache option, so all 
builds on the box share the downloaded tarballs.

We also use our own local mirror, and an extra apache directory for 
packages that are not on pypi.

I have also added a proxy that returns a 404 when pip tries to hit the 
net, to simulate the --allow-hosts option easy_install has.

Everything is driven from a Makefile. Example: 
The script to create RPMs is at 


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