[Distutils] easy_install execution question

Chris Jerdonek chris.jerdonek at gmail.com
Fri Oct 28 04:43:57 CEST 2011

Hi, I have one more question for the time being.  This regards how the
easy_install script works.

I use Mac OSX, and my /usr/bin directory contains three versions of
the easy_install script: easy_install, easy_install-2.5, and

Based on some debugging lines I tried inserting, when I execute the
script called simply "easy_install", the script seems to execute just
the first line (namely "#!/usr/bin/python"), and then seems to
immediately jump to executing easy_install-2.6.

I was curious about the mechanism that allows the Python interpreter
to jump mysteriously from one file to another.  This doesn't seem to
be evident from the easy_install scripts themselves.  What causes this


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