[Distutils] New buildout options: checksums and allow-omitted-checksums

Thomas Lotze thomas at thomas-lotze.de
Mon Mar 21 21:24:02 CET 2011

Thomas Lotze wrote:

> Good point. All this talking about MD5 specifically has been due to the
> fact that this is what used to be used by the download API and the
> gocep.download recipe so far. To take up the idea I posted a few minutes
> ago, one might specify checksums like this:
> [checksums]
> foo = http://example.org/foo.tgz algorithm:checksum-value

After some further offline discussion, I'd like to suggest using MD5 as
the default algorithm, though. It has been the algorithm of choice in
buildout and recipes and allowing to omit the md5: prefix in what's very
likely the majority of cases sounds like a good bargain. I agree that the
cleanest solution would be not having a default algorithm at all but this
may just be one instance where practicality beats purity.


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