[Distutils] pythonv: let's also make sure the standard Python install includes an "isolated" python

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Thu Mar 17 15:59:48 CET 2011

On Mar 17, 2011, at 08:07 AM, Jim Fulton wrote:

>Whatever mechanism we end up with, I suggest that a standard python
>install include an isolated configuration. This is a common use case
>and should be available without having to create a virtualenv (or
>whatever) for each project or working directory.

Could you elaborate on what this means?  I don't quite understand what you
mean by "include an isolated configuration".

I do think that Python should include a script to create the small amount of
set up needed to trigger a (built-in) virtual environment.  E.g. create the
bin and lib/... directories, populate bin, and drop a minimal pythonv.conf

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