[Distutils] unable to upload to pypi

Reinout van Rees reinout at vanrees.org
Wed Jul 27 11:54:01 CEST 2011

On 27-07-11 09:01, Algis Kabaila wrote:
> ak at supremo:/dat/work/py3/Matrix-Algebra$ python setup.py sdist upload

What I always do is not just "sdist upload", but "sdist upload 
register". I think the "register" step is what you're missing.

Initially, you *need* to use register to get the package registered (and 
created) on pypi, afterwards you can upload. In my experience, sometimes 
you need to call the command twice: the first call registers the package 
but fails in the upload, the second call's upload succeeds.

After that, everything is rosy.


Reinout van Rees                    http://reinout.vanrees.org/
reinout at vanrees.org             http://www.nelen-schuurmans.nl/
"If you're not sure what to do, make something. -- Paul Graham"

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