[Distutils] distutils and MSVCR90.DLL

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Thu Jan 6 00:13:05 CET 2011

> Maybe you can help me with a more general question:  My group writes
> python code (including c extensions) on linux/mac, then distribute a
> windows installer using distutils bdist_wininst.  The presumption is
> that you can expect to do that without Windows-specific development
> expertise.  Is that a realistic expectation? 

What compiler are you using? If it's not msvc, then no, this is not
a realistic expectation.

If you do build on Windows with the right MSC version, then you can
probably manage by paying someone once to set the build process up,
and then only running the build process. There is a good chance that
you break the Windows build every now and then, and then it will be
very time-consuming to diagnose the problem and fix it, without
expertise (roughly the same is probably true if you target any other
system without knowing what you are doing).


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