[Distutils] distutils and MSVCR90.DLL

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Wed Jan 5 20:25:26 CET 2011

> ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified procedure could not be found.
> Just to be sure, I've gone back and re-compiled it from clean source. 
> There is no indication of any compile errors, and it didn't make any
> difference.

This is different from "DLL not found", though: it means that the DLL
*was* found, but doesn't have one of the symbols that is being used.
Unfortunately, it doesn't tell which symbol, and in which DLL.

> In that case, how do I debug this?

There are a number of ways:

1. load the pyd into depends.exe, and see whether it shows problems.
2. use sxstrace.exe


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