[Distutils] [ANNOUNCE] pypiserver 0.5.0 - minimal pypi server

Ralf Schmitt ralf at systemexit.de
Mon Dec 5 23:39:49 CET 2011

"Martin v. Löwis" <martin at v.loewis.de> writes:

>> pypiserver is a minimal PyPI compatible server. It can be used to serve
>> a set of packages and eggs to easy_install or pip.
> I wonder why it needs to be a specialized server. The PyPI API is
> designed deliberately to avoid the need for custom servers; any
> web server capable of serving static pages (including SimpleHTTPServer)
> is capable of serving packages to easy_install or pip.

IMHO it's much easier to start my pypiserver package, which requires
near zero configuration than running e.g. apache in order to serve a
package index (especially when python is already installed on the

SimpleHTTPServer may work with something like
http://pypi.python.org/pypi/basketweaver, but then you'll have to
periodically update the index. pypiserver does that on the fly.

Besides I may decide to implement some features like automatic proxying
that are not possible to do with apache serving a set of static files.


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