[Distutils] pythonv, take two

Carl Meyer carl at oddbird.net
Fri Apr 1 20:16:44 CEST 2011

On 03/31/2011 09:21 AM, Vinay Sajip wrote:
> Vinay Sajip <vinay_sajip <at> yahoo.co.uk> writes:
>> I think the problem is occurring because there's incomplete support for running
>> from a source build.
> To confirm this, I installed pythonv - and then running pmv.py produces the
> expected result - an env with a copied Python which allows you to install stuff
> into the env. I packaged the pythonv I used as a .deb using checkinstall, so
> that it's uninstallable:
> http://www.red-dove.com/pythonv_3.3-1_i386.deb
> and having installed it, I re-ran pmv and did some smoke testing, output is at
> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/363186/
> I know we're not done yet, but at least this shows that the getpath.c code seems
> to be working (because sys.path seems correct when running the env's copy of
> Python) and distribute_setup.py installs without errors, followed by
> easy_installing sample packages setuptools-git, ply, Pygments, Jinja2,
> SQLAlchemy and coverage ... all seemingly without problems.
> Of course, this is still using sys.prefix/sys.exec_prefix.

Looks great! I can confirm it works when installed. I'll look into the
source-build issues.


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